Friday, December 27, 2013

December 27th

Today marks the self-appointed date I had set for myself to make my move to Paris. Due to unforeseen circumstances, my plans have been delayed.

In the meantime, I will continue my job search and revise my plans. I plan to use this extra time to continue learning French and to hopefully become TESOL certified so that I can teach English when I move.

I remain steadfast in my decision to move to Paris and I will keep you updated as my process moves along.....but for today, I am sad.

Until we meet again.

Monday, December 9, 2013

December 9th

In 2011, on December 9th, my Mom lost her almost years battle with cancer.

Today I deal with the loss of the most important person in my life.

The inscription at the bottom is taken from 2 Corinthians 5:6-8, and reads, "To Be Absent From The Body Is To Be Present With The Lord".

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it. - Ralph Marston

Sunday, November 10, 2013

So now Plan-B?!

Since my last post so much has happened and unfortunately not in a good way.

The person I hired to hold things down so that I could work remotely from Paris quit in October. Also, my boss who said he would allow me to work remotely will be retiring in August 2014.

So, now because the person quit my plans had to be pushed back until I can find a suitable person and there is no guarantee the new boss will allow me to work remotely.

I am now working diligently  on Plan-B which will require me to find a permanent job in Paris so that I have the security for my family that I need. I've kicked up my job search plans and if I still have not found a suitable replacement for my current job by the time I'm needed then I will offer my services to work remotely.

So, that is Plan-B. I am hoping I can find a permanent job in Paris before the summer, if not I may still choose to move to Paris and look for work while I am there.

I heard a great quote today, I can't remember it exactly so I'll paraphrase: "If your dreams don't make your nervous, then you're not dreaming big enough!"

I will not let my dream go, I will move to Paris within the next calendar year.

Until journey continues.


Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Neverending Wait

I think I have officially entered the part of my plan to move that I dislike the most....the neverending wait.

At this point, I'm waiting for my university admissions to be finalized so that I can apply for my student visa.  In the meantime I am still searching for apartments and a job in Paris so that I can get the secure feeling I need.

My plan is still to make the move at the end of December/beginning of January and hopefully all will go well. The apartment hunt is going okay, I am sticking to my budget and that has created limitations; however, I will not be put in the position of committing to an apartment that I cannot afford and end up homeless in Paris or off Ramen noodles.

Changes occurring at work makes me determined to find a job in Paris before I go. I'm hoping I can get hired by a company (CDD) and be sponsored!

The worse part of this waiting part is that some days I question the rationale of my decision and debate if this is still something I want to do. Then something will happen (ex. a death) and my resolve will be renewed as I contemplate if not now, when will I really live my dream.

In reality the worse I expect to happen is that there will be a delay and I will not be able to leave when I planned, but I will move to Paris within the next year.

On a positive note, I have been invited to appear on House Hunters International to show my journey in my apartment hunt.

I'm currently hoping that some agent or agency who is interested in being on the show will contact me to help me with my search.

I'm usual.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Dream Deferred is a Dream Denied...not me!

As I continue my wait, I thought I would share with you a poem by Langston Hughes.

A Dream Deferred

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore - - and then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over - - like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?

I will not be denied my dream of moving to Paris. Still playing the waiting game but more information soon to come.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 wait some more!

Right now I'm in wait mode.

I applied for this GREAT job in Paris and the job closes on June 12th, so I'm waiting.

I'm waiting for my application process to the American Graduate School in Paris to wrap up.

To be honest, they're kinda waiting on me right now. I'm getting the final paperwork in to them...but I am waiting on the letters of recommendation that I have to send them.

And I am STILL waiting to hear back from Book Your Paris about the apartment. I don't know what's up with that.

If I get this job, that would bring so much joy to my life, so I don't want to jinx it.

I need everyone to put me on they're prayer list, cross they're fingers, toes, eyes...whatever works.

So, I wait.

Friday, May 3, 2013

News, News, News

Ok, I previously mentioned that I had contacted the French Consulate in Houston, Texas (closest to me) to find out what kind of visa I would require given that I would be still working for my current employer in the U.S.; that was on April 14th.

As of this morning I had not heard back from them, so I decided to email them again. Two hours later I got a reply. For myself and my son, I would be able to get long-stay visas and because he is a minor his dad would have to give authorization for me to take him to France (no problem). Once I am in Paris if I find a job there, I would have to return to the U.S. to file for a work visa. For my daughter, because she will be attending college in Paris, she would get a student visa and that it would permit her to work 60% of legal time.

Well damn, I'll be going to school too to pursue my Ph.D., so I will be able to get a student visa instead and legally work 60%. Yay!!!!! How awesome is that?! So now I'll be able to keep my current job (for a while) and work legally in Paris with a student visa. That would give me an opportunity to network and eventually find a permanent position and acquire a carte de sejour, which is a residency permit that will allow me to legally work in France 100%.

I'm feeling better now and can now proceed with my plans. I'm waiting to receive information about this apartment I found through Book Your Paris. Hopefully that will work out. I've found several interesting apartments through their site that are within my current budget and a good size for the 3 of us.

I'm excited....more to come!


Friday, April 26, 2013

As the wheels turn...

While planning to move to Paris I've also kept a backup plan in the works. I had been looking at other jobs in the US and also a promotion in my current job was highly possible. As much as I want to move to Paris, the right job offer with the right salary could tempt me to postpone my move.

Well, much to my surprise and disappointment it looks like the promotion is not going to happen, which means I have no room for growth in my current job (there's a back story there). So, that pretty much seals my decision to make the move. Hopefully the offer to allow me to work remotely will remain and I will still have the option of being able to continue teaching my classes since I teach them online anyway.

We live and learn.

So, what can I say? Well, I'm disappointed but life goes on. I'm also feeling good about 2 possible jobs in Paris. I need ya'll to pray for me that one of them works out.

Anyway, I'm still waiting to hear from the French Consulate on what visas we will need and I'm looking at apartments to try to be prepared.

Until next week.... au revoir... mwah!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Staying motivated

Since making up my mind to make the move, one thing that I've noticed is that people are starting to irritate me more easily than before.

For things that I've previously shown patience, I now think "I don't even care, I'm moving to Paris anyway!"

I smile a little at the thought, but I have to remind myself that I will be working for my current job, at least for a while when I move to Paris.

I am still waiting to hear back from the French Consulate regarding the type of visa we will require, from Century 21 in Paris regarding an apartment and my friend in Paris regarding possible job opportunities in my field.

I'm staying motivated and on task because I know these things take time...I've got time.

I'll keep you guys updated on the progress.

Until next revoir!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Preparations continue

Now that I have made a decision to move forward, several things have occurred.

I am making sure that my current job will be established for me to work remotely. So far that is turning out fine.

Because I will be working for my current employer, I was unsure as to what type of visa I would actually need. I started by checking the Consulate website ( There is a section for Americans traveling abroad, which had specific requirements by country.

It also recommended that whether planning to visit, work or live abroad that Americans register in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), which in case of emergency the US Consulate will know you are there and how to get in touch with you and/or evacuate you in case of an emergency. You can also supply information for an emergency contact back in the States; which I think it is a great idea, so I took care of that.

There was information on contacting your local French Embassy to start the visa process. In Texas, the French Embassy is in Houston. I sent them an email explaining my situation to find out what type of visa I would actually need since I will technically still be working in the U.S. I also inquired on the types of visas I would need for my kids.

I've also been doing apartment hunting research, because at some point I am going to need to supply a Paris address in the visa process.

So, things are moving forward. More soon to come.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Decisions, decisions, decisions!

Hello all,

I haven't been on for a while because I've been seriously pursuing jobs in Paris. Well, I had a couple of close calls, but no cigar! Personally I think it is ridiculous how difficult it is. I was advised to look to U.S. companies with offices in Paris because it would be easier. Some of these companies are jerks. They have to know how difficult it is and know that someone gave them an opportunity but are not willing to give anyone else an opportunity. But I digress.

So people, I have made a decision.....I'm going to move to Paris by the end of 2013 whether I have found a job or not!

I talked to my current employer and he will allow me to work remotely for awhile, so I've decided to go for it. Once I'm in Paris, it should be easier to network and find work locally. And if I'm ever in a position as a hiring manager, I will definitely remember how difficult finding work in Paris is and help someone fulfill their dreams.

Now I'm going into my serious planning phase. Gonna need to get a long-stay visa for my kids and myself, find a school or my son (or homeschool), find an apartment in a decent area and settle my affairs here in Texas.

This is a big move and it is both frightening and exhilerating. Are you guys excited for me???!!!!

I'm going to sign out for now but will keep you updated as I get closer to my Destination...Paris!


Monday, February 18, 2013



If planning to move to Paris, such as myself, lots of planning and preparation is necessary.

I had already begun my research and making sure I had the information I needed.

Th websites ( (, ware proving to be very helpful in providing information that I need. They have lots of information that you can view on their website.

The first thing I feel I need to do is create a 'Moving to Paris' checklist. This way I can stay on track with my goals

1.   Finding a job
  •  Without a finding a job, everything else is only research; for me a job is a necessity
  •  As a non-European, we are required to have a job secured BEFORE moving to Paris and must establish French residency (carte de séjour).

2.   Renting an apartment
  •  For my situation, I felt that a long-term furnished rental would be ideal for me and my kids. At least 1 bathroom, 1-2 bedrooms, internet access and air-conditioning .
  • My preferred arrondissements (districts) are Les Halles, Marais or Montmarte, but as long as it is safe, I'm open (ugh, I hate the boring).
  • Good thing to know, zip code lets you know the district (e.g. 75008 is 8th district, 75015 is 15th district...and so on).
3.   Utilities
  •   I'm hoping to find an apartment with utilities included.
4.   Opening a French bank account

5.   Finding a school for my son
  •    Since I'm hoping to be in the city center, the schools I'm researching for my son (now 15) are:
  •   If none of these schools work, I will do homeschooling.
6.   Medical / Insurance
7.   Transportation plans
8.   Bringing a pet
9.   Continuing French education
10. Adjusting to Parisian life

As I proceed through my checklist, I'll keep you up to date with how things are going.

Cross your fingers for me!!